I have trouble solving this problem: $yu_x - xu_y = x^2$. I know the characteristic equation is $\frac{dx}{y} = \frac{dy}{-x} = \frac{du}{x^2}$ and then have $C = \frac{x^2}{2} + \frac{y^2}{2}$. Then the following should be the integration relative to $du$, but either $\frac{du}{dx}$ or $\frac{du}{dy}$ will contain not only one variable, like $\frac{du}{dx} = \frac{x^2}{y}$ contain both $x$ and $y$. I wonder if $x$ and $y$ are independent here. If not, should I rewrite the expression $C = \frac{x^2}{2} + \frac{y^2}{2}$ in order to get the expression of y in terms of x , and then applies it into the integration relative to $du$? Any reply would be appreciated.