« on: October 07, 2015, 12:19:57 AM »
Transform the problem into the first quadrant of the characteristic coordinates $(\xi,\eta)$.
-4c^2\tilde{u}_{\xi \eta} &= \tilde{f}(\xi, \eta) && \xi > 0, \eta > 0 \label{a} \\
\tilde{u}|_{\xi=0} &= \tilde{g} \left( -\frac{\eta}{2c} \right) && \eta > 0 \\
\tilde{u}|_{\eta=0} &= \tilde{h} \left( \frac{\xi}{2c} \right) && \xi > 0
The solution to $(\ref{a})$ is as follows.
\tilde{u}(\xi,\eta)= -\frac{1}{4c^2} \int_0 ^\xi
\int_0 ^\eta \tilde{f}(\xi',\eta' )\,d\eta' d\xi' + \psi(\eta) + \phi(\xi)
The domain of dependence is a rectangle defined as $\tilde{R}(\xi,\eta) = \{ (\xi',\eta') \vert 0< \xi' < \xi,\, 0< \eta' < \eta\}$.
Assume $\psi(0) = \phi(0) = \frac{1}{2}g(0) = \frac{1}{2}h(0)$.
\phi(\xi) &= h \left( \frac{\xi}{2c} \right) - \frac{1}{2}h(0)\\
\psi(\eta) &= g \left( -\frac{\eta}{2c} \right) - \frac{1}{2}g(0)
Translate back to the $(x,t)$ coordinates. Use the hint provided and the fact that the Jacobian is equal to $2c$.
u(x,t) = -\frac{1}{2c}\iint _{R(x,t)} f(x',t')\,dx'dt' + h \left( \frac{x+ct}{2c} \right) + g \left( -\frac{x-ct}{2c} \right) - h(0)
where $R(x,t)=\{ (x',t'):\, 0< x'-ct' < x-ct,\, 0< x'+ct' < x+ct\}$.